Main Themes
- the relationship mother-son
The relationship of mother and son, Doris and Vernon Little, is present throughout the book. It is a special one, not in a sense of unique and loving but in a strange way special because she gives Vernon all this pain but he is forgiving.
- trust/distrust
Trust is a thing, which is desperately needed when in a situation like Vernon’s. He is learning about trust and especially distrust the hard way.
- abuse of power
The abuse of power is the thing that is somewhat the cause of the whole problem. The abuse of power, which resulted in the abuse of Jesus, which resulted in bloodshed in the school gave birth to the whole story. Vaine Gurie, probably unconscious of her abuse of power for not listening to what Vernon had to say about the incident in school in the very beginning of Vernon’s long journey to justice.
- publicity
Publicity is something, which changes the whole community of Martirio temporarily. It’s what Lally is all about and it’s what makes Vernon’s life to hell. Publicity makes Taylor lie, cheat and have sex for it.
Words: 191
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